- Accessibility is the inclusive practice of removing barrier that prevent people with disabilities from doing what they need to do online.
- By Making the website inclusive through accessible design, support responsive layout, Increase Seo and mitigate your legal risks
Accessibility Overview:
- Your site’s accessibility score is determined by its performance in three subcategories-progress in resolving errors, progress in resolving waring, and percentage of pages with low error rate.
- To improve your accessibility score “fix these issue to improve your score” list.
Levels of conformance and Severity.
- Level A: Level A is the minimum level of the conformance in the web content accessibility guideline . For Level A conformance, the web pages satisfies all the level A success criteria
- Level AAA: Level AAA is the highest level of the conformance in WCAG 2.1. For AAA conformance the web page satisfied all the level A, Level AA, and Level AAA success criteria.
- Error: Automatically determined failure to meet the success criteria in WCAG.
- Warning: Automatically determined failures to meet best practice in WCAG.
- Potential failures to meet best practice or success criteria in WCAG, in which can only be verified by manual inspection.